Eurohash 2017 will hosted by the Vindobona Hash House Harriers in Vienna, Austria on 7-9 July, 2017 with a series of events including their Red Dress Run leading up to the big Eurohash weekend. Rego includes a goody bag, wrist bands, and “last minute information”. There are events planned during the preceding week that are not included in the rego price, but will surely be worth the extra cost, including: Continue reading
Tag Archives: eurohash
Vienna Eurohash 2017 Pre-lube Bus Tour in June-July 2017
Kiddie from the Tampa Bay H3 is offering a bus tour for hashers attending Eurohash 2017 in Vienna during July 2017. Sounds like fun! The tour runs for 10 days and is estimated to cost around $1600US per hasher. The party bus will visit Munich, Venice, Zagreb, Budapest, Prague, Salzburg, and Vienna. The rego gets you a shared hotel room, breakfast, and five dinners.