Tag Archives: phoenix

Rego Transfer for 2017 InterAmericas “InterAm” Hash

phoenix cactusWhile regos for the 2017 InterAm Hash for 6-9 Oct 2017 in Phoenix, Arizona sold out in 3 days (25 months in advance!), they are transferable if you find someone who purchased but can’t attend.  Per the web site:

Is it possible for me to still buy a rego to the InterAmerica’s Hash?
No. It is nearly impossible to find anywhere to fit 2000 hashers as is. There is no leeway there to take on more attendees. However, buy from a friend! All registrations are transferable. You know the drill, with an event that sold out in 3 days 25 months before the event, I think MAYBE a hasher or two MIGHT have a change of plans and sell their rego. Chat up your friends. And lovers. Continue reading